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Marble Texture


This is the 'That Thyme of the Month' website. This project started with two people who believe that although our bodies are incredibly complex,  period education shouldn’t be. We decided to dive into the research so you don’t have to, explaining the complexity of the menstrual cycle in a comprehensible and accessible way for the everyday person  - just like us.


We aren’t doctors or experts, and we want to be very clear about that distinction in our products. However, we think that as regular people with periods, we can deliver what others want or need to know!  If you're looking to understand your cycle better and learn more holistic approaches, then you're in the right place!

Our Team.

We are a team of two interns at Aspire Skill Development, a non-profit based in CO that helps young professionals with their career readiness. 


That Thyme of the Month is the product of the capstone element of the Aspire internship, a collaborative project that is meant to impact our communities and improve our project management skills. 

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