A personalized calendar to track your cycle, that's 100% yours.
Here at That Thyme of the Month, we strongly believe in the right to privacy when it comes to personal and intimate information about your cycle. That's why we created our calendar, a tool to track your cycle that is 100% yours.
Our calendar includes a pre and post point quiz to help you recognize trends in your menstruation patterns. We also included monthly and weekly spaces to record your symptoms and to track the four phases of the menstrual cycle. ​With the help of professional herbalists, we highlighted an herb each month which can be used to help alleviate various symptoms of menstruation. We hope that you love this tool as much as we do! Click the image below to download your own PDF.
We encourage you to research the implications of data privacy on period apps after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Here are a few sources to get you started!